
Michael Golden Law Corporation

British Columbia Trailer Spin-Out May Be Cause for Wrongful Death

They’re known as the elephants of the road, and, like elephants, require lots of space, move at a steady, slower pace, and are subject to special rules of the road. In British Columbia, as elsewhere in Canada, semi trucks are not always permitted in the passing lane for motorway safety reasons.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

Car Accident in British Columbia Sets Vehicle Aflame

No matter what state road conditions are in, some drivers remain oblivious. As such, some accident events cannot be blamed on the extreme weather that continues to dog British Columbia this winter. In a recent car accident, one driver, who apparently didn’t know when to quit, left one crash scene only to cause a second collision further on.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

British Columbia Pedestrian Accident Leaves Child in Coma

Many young families in British Columbia choose to live in neighbourhoods where traffic is minimal, largely local and with appropriate speed limits. Sometimes, city planning authorities will forge ahead with enhancements, like bicycle paths, which alter traffic patterns so significantly that a pedestrian accident becomes more, not less, likely.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

All Weather and Traffic: British Columbia Cyclist Hit by A Driver

The classic British reply to the question, “how are you?” is “all weather and traffic,” usually delivered with a heavy sigh, whereby everyone gets the picture. That’s just what’s happening in British Columbia this winter, as motorists encounter hazardous road conditions.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

Near Miss in British Columbia Causes Pedestrian Accident

Ever since the advent of pop psychology and the Me Generation, there have been labels assigned to the following generations, such as Generation X or millennials. In British Columbia, our young people are sometimes chided, in print or online, for self-centered or irresponsible behaviour.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

Loss of British Columbia Youngster May Lead to Wrongful Death

Increasingly in major cities, public transit has become the poster child of environmentalist progress, promising diminished urban pollution. City buses filled with British Columbia citizens enjoying comparatively stress-free travel from point A to point B implicitly trust their professionally trained bus drivers to proceed without mishap.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

Potential for Wrongful Death on Remembrance Day Sadly Common

It’s hard to fathom why the number of car accidents spikes during three-day weekend holidays. The Nov. 11 statutory holiday shows close to a 35 per cent rise in vehicle collisions, in British Columbia and elsewhere. A time set aside for sober reflection on the loss of war veterans, the day takes on an added poignancy when it marks the death of a young adult in a car crash.

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Michael Golden Law Corporation

Wrongful Death in British Columbia Can Occur in Any Weather

The stark contrast in climate between Eastern Canada and Western Canada has always been a descriptor of the overall national character of our wintry country. Lately, however, the relatively balmy weather that British Columbia is known for has been in flux.

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