For people living with a traumatic spinal cord injury and those who love them, understanding the scope of the situation and knowing what to expect can be complicated. From understanding the care and treatment process to learning about research and trials, being armed with the right information can be empowering and essential.
What You Need to Know About Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Part 1
There are 86,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in Canada and by 2030, projections estimate there will be 35,000 more. Given that spinal cord injuries do not discriminate and can affect anyone, it is important to understand what is involved.
Protecting Youth Against Preventable Brain Injury This Summer
As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, the natural inclination is to spend more time outdoors. Between summer sports and social gatherings, there’s no shortage of activities to participate in.
Who Is Responsible for A Distracted Driving Accident?
Who is responsible for a distracted driving accident? As it turns out, it could very well be the person who sent the text. According to an insurance and legal expert, an individual sending a text message could be considered liable if they knew that the recipient was driving.
Changes Coming for Car Accident Victims in British Columbia
It looks like British Columbia may be catching up to the rest of the country when it comes to leaving the full tort system behind. The legislation, introduced in late April and set to take effect next year, makes it so that settlements for minor injury claims will have a $5,500 cap.
Bereaved British Columbia Parents File Civil Suit After Car Accident
When three people died, two of them young children, as a result of a multi-vehicle car accident in April 2017, several families’ worst nightmares came true. Ella Hernandez, 9, and Tyler Mollie Wong Hernandez, 3, as well as a 30 year old woman were killed when a driver tried to pass on the highway located near Pitt River Road and forced two other vehicles into oncoming traffic.
Accident Victim of Road Rage in British Columbia
First coined in 1988, the term “road rage” became common in the mid 90s. Many drivers have been subject to rude gestures or grimaces through a car window by a disgruntled driver. Road rage is not often mentioned by British Columbia authorities in an era of distracted driving, and which now promotes anger management classes.
Wrongful Death Writ Large While British Columbia, Nation Grieve
With a shudder, a hockey Mom in Langley remembered regularly driving her son to catch buses bound for out-of-town games. As our entire country mourned after the catastrophic bus crash in Saskatchewan, this British Columbia mother launched a tribute that instantly went viral.
Fatality at British Columbia Crosswalk Cause for Wrongful Death
Distracted driving has come to be associated with cell phone use at the wheel. Yet there are other well-known distractions, such as changing a radio station, lighting a cigarette or being diverted by a billboard. Inattention to an upcoming crosswalk in the busiest city in British Columbia leaves pedestrians open to injury as well.
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Possible After Injury in British Columbia
Injuries suffered due to a roadway accident can be minor, serious, critical or life-threatening. Even when minor, injuries can turn out to have fatal consequences. This is what happened when a mother of four was struck down while standing at a bus stop in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.